Thursday, April 24, 2008

William Allen White Award!

I had a great time at the Young Writers’ Conference in Emporia last week, and I’ll post more about it soon. . .

. . . but speaking of Emporia, I found out that Airball: My Life in Briefs won this year’s William Allen White Award (which is named after famed Emporia newspaper editor William Allen White and is headquartered at Emporia State University). Hooray!

I’ll certainly post more about the award soon, too. This has been a crazy-busy week. Tomorrow I’m heading down to Andale Elementary (outside Wichita) to do a school visit for their William Allen White celebration.


Julie Tollefson said...

Congratulations, Lisa!

Lisa Harkrader said...

Thank you, Julie!

Kat said...

Congratulations Lisa! We can't wait to see you here at W.A.W Library!